Monday, February 20, 2006

He says she says

"I read over your blog, and i found it inquisitive, you may find My Blog interesting. Please click here to read mine." Says the man as a comment to one of my posts.

Who are these parasites? I didn't know they went online?

Please don't insult my intelligence my man. I do have an IQ that runs into triple figures. Do you seriously believe that I would for a moment consider purveying your blog after you've left a non-commital, insensitive message like this? Maybe I should really click on his link and then flood his comment page with the same message. But then I'll be giving him fuel to keep doing it to others.

Trash me, trash my writing, trash my personality, trash my beliefs. Or be good to me, tell me I write passably well. Tell me I have a kind heart. Tell me, deep inside, I'm a beautiful person. But for God's sake, don't feed me that bullshit about finding my blog, what was that word? Ah! "Inquisitive!".

I'm an advertising writer. I feed people bullshit everyday. I sell people things they don't even need. But I don't invade their space and feed them some bullshit line. People opt to buy a Newspaper and people know that Ads are a part of it. You can choose to read them or choose to ignore them. You can flip the channel on the TV if you don't like an ad.

But this Trojanic style of getting people to come to your blog is really too much. It's downright disgusting.

Please stay away. Both for my sake and yours.

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