Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I went to Bombay last week and went berserk at Crosswords. Bought some insane amount of books. Haven't told anyone about them yet cos I'm worried about someone asking for them before I read them.

Reading a book for the first time is like popping a cherry. You want to do it cos you bought it after all. Why should someone else get first shot?

Also there's the new book smell.. Aaah! Iove the smell of the toner or the ink. Whatever makes it smell so heavenly.

There's no dangerof anyone I know in Bangalore reading this so I'll put up a list of my latest acquisition here. They are:

Paddy Clark Ha ha ha - Roddy Doyle
The Van - Roddy Doyle
Junky - William S Burroughs
The Cold Six Thousand - James Ellroy
L.A. Confidential - James Ellroy
The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
High Fidelity - Nick Hornsby
Stories for the sleepless (Or something too that effect) -Roald Dahl
Eyre affair - Jasper Fforde

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