Thursday, May 11, 2006


I have a funny feeling that one of these days I'm going to solve one of life's puzzles. It started with a rubic cube that someone got to office from one of their travels to bangkok. It's not a normal rubic's cube as in, it doesn't slide only on two axsis. It's one of those that come apart with interconnected parts. So when he unravelled it, he was left with a long string of interconnected cubes. It was lying around in the office and everyone tried their hands at it. But to no avail.

I walked in yesterday, and on my cigarette break, managed to solve it in 8 minutes flat. I just used the process of elimination, if it doesn't go here, it must go there. And soon I had it beaten. The guy refused to believe that I solved it and he unravelled it again. But try as I might, I'm not able to solve it again. I think, this time I'm trying too hard. I'm trying to look for a pattern consciously, whereas I should just play with it and let my sub-conscious take over.

And today, while giving it another shot, I managed to nearly put it together. Just that I missed out the pivotal segment in the middle. It got me thinking, if I find that pivotal part of my universe, I might be able to sort my life out too. And so i began to sift out the variables in my life and look for the constants.

It's not easy, I'll tell you that. Your heart wants to label something a constant, when you head tells you that it's just a variable. And sometimes, your head tells you that one component is a constant when your heart just glances at it and discards it as a variable. The challenge is to truly look at things with your soul and decide, without your heart or mind colouring your choice. That's the zen way to do it.

I have a feeling I shall be able to do just that in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!