Thursday, May 18, 2006


I haven't been writing much, simply because I have been sketching a lot. I've been scribbling away furiously with any instrument I can find, on any medium I could find. Since Monday, I haven't ceased scribbling.

It's like I just discovered I could draw and now I can't seem to stop. Anything from lighters to mobile phones to even fruits. Yesterday I spent the 3 hours in a meeting, scribbling on a pad, furiously sketching everything in sight. Pens, staplers, people, blinds, Ac vents, chairs... everything. At the end I realized that the pad belonged to the client and so I had to tear the pages and take them away with me before he realized what I had been up to during the meeting.

I've hatched and cross hatched myself onto every piece of paper on my table. Even the walls bear the brunt of my new-found love. How long it lasts, remains to be seen. Think I'll scan some of them and put them up on my blog.

It began, like most things do, with a 8B Staedtler pencil I bought on Sunday. I had decided to go and check out the Queen Victoria and KKing Edward statues put up by the Brits to commemorate their reign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.